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    GUIDE: Warrior/Warlock


    Posts : 57
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    Age : 56

    GUIDE: Warrior/Warlock Empty GUIDE: Warrior/Warlock

    Post by [GM]Maryse Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:00 am

    Hey guys i found this guide a while back and thought it was prity good, and thought i should share it with you all


    Warriors have the skills to freely use a variety of weapons including one-hand, two-hand and dual axes. They can serve as reliable tankers as they also have skills to protect their team mates.
    Those who have learned Warrior skills are always on the front line of the party, fighting head-on with the enemy and protecting their party members. They are committed to not retreat in a fight.

    Fenzy Buster Series

    Taunting Target (Optional/PvP)
    Roars at enemy's to provoke their attention towards you. Might be useful when training but I doubt you'll use it a lot.

    Vital Increase (Optional/PvP)
    Increases your HP, decreases your Phy. Attack-Useful skill when you want to tank, especially when fighting Wizard's or other Nukers. I would recommend that you max it.

    Descry (Optional/PvP)
    Makes you see players that are in ''Stealth''. Can be useful but only in PvP , Jobbing and War.

    Sprint Assault (Max It)
    Enables you to rush to the enemy, can KB and Stun. Max It, Great skill for PvP and training.

    Iron Skin (Max It)
    Increases your Physical defends for a short time. Really useful, it'll save your ass when you're in trouble.

    Howling Shout (Optional/Training)
    Gives a loud roar to provoke enemy's around you and draw their attention towards you * Similar to Taunting Target. Might be useful when training but you won't really use it that often.

    Mana Skin (Max It)
    Increases your Magical defends for a short time. Useful skill against nukers and wizards, also for training at mag. mobs

    Guard Barrier Series

    (You cannot cast any of these on yourself.)

    Pain Quota (Optional/PvP)
    Creates a protective layer on the party member, a part of the damage inflicted to that member will be distributed to the other party members. Just useful in PvP, Jobbing and War.

    Physical Fence (Optional/PvP)
    Creates a protective layer for Physical damage on a player, part of the damage will be inflicted to you. Optional, just useful in PvP, Jobbing and War.

    Magical Fence (Optional/PvP)
    Creates a protective layer for Magical damage on a player, part of the damage will be inflicted to you. Just useful in PvP, Jobbing and War.

    Protect (Optional/Taxi)
    Provokes the enemy to divert some of their hostility from one member to yourself. Only useful in party leveling to protect someone.

    Physical Screen (Optional/PvP)
    Increases the Physical defense of a player, cannot cast on yourself. Useful in PvP, Jobbing and War.

    Morale Screen (Optional/PvP)
    Increases the Magical defense of a player, cannot cast on yourself. Optional, useful in PvP, Jobbing and War.

    Ultimate Screen (Optional/PvP)
    Increases the Physical and Magical defense of a player. Optional, useful in PvP, Jobbing and War.

    One-handed Lord Series

    One-handed Arms (Max It)
    Increases your Physical attack power.

    Power Shield (Max It)
    Increases the Physical damage, passive skill works only with a One-handed sword equipped.

    Blockade (Max It)
    Increases the chance on blocking, passive skill works only with a One-handed Sword equipped.

    Critical Void (Max It)
    Decreases the chance of suffering a critical damage on yourself, passive skill works only with a One-handed Sword equipped.

    One-handed Sword Series

    Slash (Max It)
    ''Slashes'' the enemy, not much to it.

    Shield Trash (Max It)
    Hits the enemy, chance of KB and Dull.

    Double Stab (Max It)
    Stabs the enemy twice.

    Berserker (Max It)
    Hits the enemy twice, cannot use when your HP is below 10%, because it cost some Hp to cast.

    Shield Crush (Max It)
    Hits the enemy twice with the shield, chance of KB and Dull.

    Cunning Stab (Max It)
    Hits the enemy 4 time. Daring

    Berserker (Max It)
    Hits 4 times, cannot be used when HP is 10% or less because it cost 10% of your HP.

    Two-handed Lord Series

    Two-hand Arms (Max It)
    Increase your Physical attack power.

    Concentration (Max It)
    Increase the chance of dealing a Critical hit, passive skill works only with a Two-handed Sword equipped.

    Damage Return (Max It)
    Can return some damage you've taken from the enemy, only Physical damage. Passive skill only work with a Two-handed Sword equipped.

    Two-handed Sword Series

    Bash (Max It)Hit's once with the sword, chance of KB.

    Turn Rising (Max It)
    Hit's once with the sword, chance of KD.

    War Cry (Max It)
    Buff that can only be used with Two-handed Sword equipped, increases Physical attack power.

    Charge Swing (Max It)
    Hit's twice with the sword.

    Maddening (Max It)
    Hits the enemy once, cannot be used when HP is 10% or below, because it cost 10% HP.

    Triple Swing (Max It)
    Hits the enemy 3 times, damage will be increased under;Bind, sleep, stun and Dull status.

    Dare Devil (Max It)
    Hits 2 times, chance of KB, cannot be used when HP is 10% or below, because it cost 10%HP.

    Dual Lord Series

    Dual Arms (Max It)
    Increases the Physical attack power, passive skill works only with Dual Axes equipped.

    Dual Defense (Max It)
    Increases the Physical defense, passive skill only works with Dual Axes equipped.

    Accuracy (Max It)
    Increases the hit rate, only works when Dual Axe skill's are used, Passive skill.

    Protection (Max It)
    Improves the power to resist against bad status, passive skill only works with Dual Axes equipped.

    Dual Axe Series

    Down cross (Max It)
    Hit's once with the Dual Axes.

    Double Twist (Max It)
    Hit's twice, chance of stunning and bleed.

    Axe Quiver (Max It)
    No damage, just stuns. Optional

    Dual Counter (Max It)
    Hits 3 times, nothing special to it.

    Crisis Rush (Max It)
    Hit's 4 times, cannot cast when less then 10%HP because it cost 10% hp to cast.

    Sudden Twist (Max It)
    Hits 3 times, chance to stun and cast Bleed.

    Deadly Counter (Max It)
    Hit's 4 times.

    Crucial Rush (Max It)
    Hit's 5 times, cannot cast when HP is below 10%, because it needs 10%HP to cast.

    Warlock to follow Very Happy

    Posts : 57
    Join date : 2009-10-18
    Age : 56

    GUIDE: Warrior/Warlock Empty Re: GUIDE: Warrior/Warlock

    Post by [GM]Maryse Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:01 am


    "Hatred is my power and execration is my life. You will feel the real power of my curses when you are full of hatred."
    There are many kinds of magic in the world, and they have developed in different shapes. Most magic uses strong force or shocks people to show their power. However, the so-called "Warlocks" are known to achieve their goals by placing curses on enemies, weakening their capability, or reducing their will to fight. Since their skill is based on Wizards' skill, they use mana, too. Wizards utilize mana to control elements of nature, whereas Warlocks utilize mana to enhance the power of hatred and thereby to reduce the power of enemies. They gradually destroy the power of enemies by placing curses, weakening, paralyzing them and putting them in chaos. They also utilize Wizard's skill to control elements of nature to directly damage enemies and make them in abnormal status. In addition, they have a skill to utilize blood to weaken enemies. They take blood from an enemy to recover their strength.

    Mind Control Series

    Dark Seed (Not Needed!)
    Increases Magical Attack, you wont need this!

    Strap (Optional/Dark Mentalist)
    Make's the endurance of Dark Mentalist series last longer. Optional, depends if you want to use Dark Mentalist or not.

    Dark Mentalist Series-DoT ( Damage over Time )

    Blaze (Not Needed!)
    Can cause ''Burn''. You don't need to learn this.

    Toxin (Not Needed!)
    Can cause ''Poison''. Wouldn't waste SP on this either.

    Decayed (Not Needed!)
    Can cause ''Bleed''. This one is more interesting, I'd say Optional, although it doesn't help much ( I've never use it actually).

    Curse Breath (Not Needed!)
    Can cause Dull, Dull can be pretty helpful, but like Decayed you won't really use it. Optional.

    Dark Blaze (Not Needed!)
    Upgraded version of Blaze, also burns, can hit more targets at the same time. You don't need this one either.

    Toxin Invasion (Not Needed!)
    Upgraded version of Toxin, also causes poison, can hit more targets at once. Don't need this.

    Dark Decayed (Optional)
    Upgraded version of Decayed, also cause Bleed, can hit more targets at once.

    Dark Breath (Optional)
    Upgrade version of Curse Breath, also causes Dull, hit's more targets at once.

    Raze Series

    Physical Raze (Max It)
    Reduces the Physical defense of the target (Decay).

    Magical Raze (Optional)
    Reduces the Magical defense of the target(Weaken). For yourself you don't need this.

    Combat Raze (Max It)
    Reduces the Physical and Magical attack power of the target(Impotent).

    Courage Raze (Max It)
    Reduces the Physical and Magical defense power of the target(Division). Can be combined with Phy & Mag. Raze.

    Physical Ravage (Max It)
    Does the same as Physical Raze, this one is just higher level and hits more targets at the same time(Decay).

    Magical Ravage (Optional)
    Does the same thing as Magical Raze, this one is just higher level and hits more targets at the same time(Weaken). Optional.

    Combad Ravage (Max It)
    Does the same thing as Combat Raze, this on is just higher level and hits more targets at the same time(Impotent).

    Bloody Swarm

    Series Red Flower (Max It)
    Increase Magical attack power, passive. You need this skill to learn skill's that you really need.

    Trap booster (Max It)
    Increase the damage of ''Trap Skills''.

    Blood Series

    Blood Flower (Not Needed!)
    Magical attack. Don't need to learn

    Bloody trap (Max It)
    You put this ''Trap'' on the target. the trap will explode between 1~20 Seconds ( I'm not sure how long, it's always different), causes absolute damage ( This is where Trap Booster works on ).

    Death Flower (Not Needed!)
    Magical attack, hits more players at once. No need to learn.

    Death Trap (Max It)
    Improved version on Bloody Trap. Hit's up to 3 targets at once, has 100% Success!!

    Soul Pressure Series

    Daze (Max It)
    Stuns your opponent.

    Fog Sight (Optional)
    Makes ranged players range shorter.

    Illusion (Optional)
    Creates a random ''Fake'' look of any low level character. You can't use it for anything but fool your opponent tho.

    Wrath Daze (Max It)
    Stuns more targets at the same time.

    Shade Illusion (Optional)
    Same as Illusion, only change will be the char's level you'll look like. Same explanation as Illusion.

    Curse Sight (Optional)
    Same as Fog Sight, only the range will be shorter.

    Evil Swell Series

    Bloody Aim (Max It)
    HP sucking amount and Cruel Spell Series HP/Atack power increase. Need the HP sucking increase plus skill is needed for other skills.

    Cruel Spell Series

    Vampire Touch (Max It)
    Deals absolute damage, part of your HP will be restored.

    Shadow Armor (Optional)
    Deals absolute damage, stays on you for about 10 seconds or so, faints away when you don't wear a warlock rod.

    Scream Mask (Optional)
    When some one is attack with scream mask on, there is a chance he might get stunned ( attacker ). Can't use on yourself.

    Reflect (Optional)
    When activated there is a chance part of the damage will be returned to the attacker. Faints away when not wearing Warlock Rod.

    Vampire Kiss (Optional)
    Similar to Vampire Touch, this one has a longer cool down but can drain HP from more players.

    Dusk Armor (Optional)
    Same as Shadow Armor, only more damage.

    Advanced Reflect (Max It)
    Same as Reflect, high chance of reflecting and higher damage return. This one does stay when you change weapon.

    Dim Haze Series

    Slumber (Max It)
    Puts selected target to sleep, should last about 20 seconds on your own level and lower when you're not gaping

    Wheel Bind (Max It)
    Give's the target a delay in potion using, potions also heal less ( Panic ). This is actually a very important skill.

    Mirage (Optional)
    Reduces the hostility of a monster. Optional.

    Deep Slumber (Max It)
    Upgraded version of Slumber. affects more targets at once.

    Phantasma (Optional)
    Upgraded version of Mirage. Optional.

    Recovery Bind (Max It)
    Same as Wheel bind, effects more people at once.


    What do I wear?
    - I suggest you wear Robe. Better magical defense, less MP use and more Walking speed.

    Do I really need all three the Warrior weapon skills?
    -Of course not, you should be fine with even one, although I recommend you take atleast to, most likely 1Handed and something else, but that's all up to you.

    Using all those magical skills, will I have enough MP?
    -When wearing Robe you should be fine, if not get some MP on your gear and wear vigors on you to heal MP when needed.

    How do I use my Warlock skills?
    -When using Warlock you can't just hit all the buttons in a random way. You need to find a good working line of using the skills. My skill bar goes like this;
    Vampire Touch, Wrath Daze, Combat Ravage, Physical Ravage, Death Trap, Deep Slumber, Courage Raze, Recovery Bind => Beat him with your Warrior weapon. Oh yea, almost forgot to mention, I always have Shield Crush on my mouse key, so when they get close I can KB them.

    What if I fight a player with Holy Spell?
    -This is a little harder to deal with, but you can still cast Panic on him ( Wheel -/ Recovery Bind ), and stun. after that you just need to beat him with your own Warrior skills.

    Isn't training without Cleric skills hard for a Warrior?
    -No, it's not. When you're training you can cast the debuf's on the monster, making it weaker / less defense, than all that is left is an easy kill. You probably won't need to do this on a normal monster around the same level as you, but it's useful on Giant's and Party Monsters.

    Tips 'n Tricks

    *Vampire Touch and Vampire Kiss don't only steal their HP and ad it to yours, it also can put the target under ''Disease'' Status. While under Disease it's easier to cast debuffs.

    *Using the combination Bloody Trap / Death trap Followed by ( Deep ) Slumber, the enemy is not able to wake up out of sleep status till the trap explodes. Normally Sleep status will be ended when the enemy is being attacked.

    *Using Mirage/Phantasma you can mob little traders with party mobs or just some normal mobs. Really fun to do

    *PvPing with Warrior/Warlock isn't just another easy build. You should practice a lot, you need to know when to use what skill etc. If you don't manage to handle this build just train yourself, I did that at level 44, when I got Bloody Trap.

    *Almost all the Warrior attacks skills have a 50% damage increase when the target is on the ground.

    Everything Maxed : 1,317,657 SP (Including all Warlock skills )
    Every necessary Maxed : 824,840
    0 Gap Level 1-> 90 : 223,009 SP

    Posts : 26
    Join date : 2009-10-27

    GUIDE: Warrior/Warlock Empty Re: GUIDE: Warrior/Warlock

    Post by The_One Sat Nov 21, 2009 4:26 pm

    ah thank you

    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2009-12-19

    GUIDE: Warrior/Warlock Empty Re: GUIDE: Warrior/Warlock

    Post by No_Way_Out Sat Dec 19, 2009 2:18 pm


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