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    Fortress NPC - Administrator


    Posts : 131
    Join date : 2009-10-04

    Fortress NPC - Administrator Empty Fortress NPC - Administrator

    Post by [GM]EDGE Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:51 am

    A fortress administrator is NPC employed in mandatory once a fortress is occupied, and performs jobs such as tax control, tasks for fortress war, and employing new NPCs.

    [img]Fortress NPC - Administrator Fortre19[/img]Tax control

    The fortress administrator is entitled to adjust tax rate and levy taxes at large cities and specialty stores relevant to the occupied fortress.
    Tax rate is adjusted in range between -20% and +20%. Tax rate adjustment is available from 00:00 to 23:59 every Saturday, and not restricted of frequency.
    Levying taxes is allowed only on every Saturday. When you click Levy button, the taxes are transferred to the inventory.
    Authority for levying taxes is restricted to the guild master (the commander at the fortress war).

    Installing Structures

    The structures of the fortress are installed by NPC, the combat assistants, during period other than fortress war. The heart of the fortress, the castle gate and the guard towers are provided in default. However, the defense comps are installed at locations designated by the commander or the war administrator. Meantime, the structures consisted of items are allowed of installation only during the fortress war. The structures can be installed at specified locations only by making use of mobilized items. (Except the flags)

    Repair of Structures

    NPC, the combat assistant, can make use of paid Gold to perform repair of the structures installed at the fortress with paid Gold for periods other than fortress war; and the repair tools to do so during fortress war.
    Small and medium repair tools are available from the fortress clerk; and large tools shall be ordered to the blacksmith in the fortress.
    Repair work of the structures are allowed to the structures installed at the fortress only, not to those consisted of items.

    Command post tents

    * Select structure to repair.
    * Use appropriate repair tools within effective radius of the selected structure.
    (The tools are available only to the commander and the deputy commander of the fortress-occupying guild.)
    * While repairing with the repair tools, durability of the structure increases, and is successfully repaired.
    (Repair work is cancelled when attacked during repair, and no other action can be taken during the repair job.)
    Price change upon tax rate adjustment & taxes
    [img]Fortress NPC - Administrator Fortre20[/img]

    * Common items
    - Item purchase price of user = Basic item purchase price + taxes
    - Item sales price of user = Basic item sales price -taxes
    * Specialties
    - Specialty purchase price of user = Basic specialty purchase price + taxes
    - Specialty sales price of user = Basic specialty sales price -taxes
    * Fees for Door of Dimensions, the parries, the private boats and the tunnels are charged in the same way of the common items.
    * Exception
    - The members of the fortress-occupying guild and its alliance guild are applied with tax rate between -20% and 0%.
    (Tax rate greater than 20% is automatically reset to 0%.)

    Re-purchase and tax rate of items

    Price of re-sales of item is the basic item price less tax, and price of re-purchase of item is the highest price among the basic price and the sales price.
    For example, when the basic price of an item is 1,000 Gold, and the tax rate is 10%, the sales profit of the item is 900 Gold. In such a case, since the basic price of the item is higher, the price of re-purchase is the basic price of the item, 1,000 Gold.
    However, when the basic price of an item is 1,000 Gold, and the tax rate is -10%, the sales profit of the item is 1,100 Gold. In such a case, since the sales price of the item is higher than the basic price, the price of re-purchase is 1,100 Gold.

    Conditions of Structures

    [img]Fortress NPC - Administrator Fortre21[/img]Information is available from the fortress administrator including fortress war schedules and guilds applied for fortress war to the fortress administrator. (The information is available any members of the fortress-occupying guild.)

    Employing fortress NPC
    [img]Fortress NPC - Administrator Fortre22[/img]Authority for employing NPC is restricted to the guild master (the commander at the fortress war). Employing NPC demands payment of defined Gold and GP.

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 06, 2024 12:08 pm