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    Fortress Configuration


    Posts : 131
    Join date : 2009-10-04

    Fortress Configuration Empty Fortress Configuration

    Post by [GM]EDGE Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:43 am

    Fortress structure

    A fortress consists of components playing the key roles of the a fortress war including; the heart of the fortress, the castle gate for defending the fortress, defending camps, the guard tower, obstacles for installing items, a command post and the war flags. The structures of the fortress can only be destructed with weapons of castle attack.

    [img]Fortress Configuration Fortre13[/img]

    Structures of Fortress Construction

    Heart of Fortress

    The utmost target in a fortress war: This structure cannot be attacked unless you succeed in destroying all the guard towers inside the fortress. Once you destroy the heart of the fortress, you are allowed to occupy the fortress upon temporary basis.
    The heart of the fortress can exercise its own attacking functions to reduce HP of enemies, and to cause abnormal conditions to the enemies

    Phase I HP damaged and reduced by 5%; abnormal condition of freezing (grade 4, 40%)
    Phase II HP damaged and reduced by 9%; abnormal condition of freezing (grade 5, 40%)
    Phase III HP damaged and reduced by 13%; abnormal condition of freezing (grade 8, 40%), abnormal condition of frostbite (grade 8, 10%)
    Phase IV HP damaged and reduced by 17%; abnormal condition of freezing (grade 9, 40%), abnormal condition of frostbite (grade 9, 10%)
    Phase V Not Implemented

    Castle Gate

    The sole access point for entering into the exterior castle with high durability and defense abilities. The commander, the deputy commander and the combat administrator of the occupying guild are allowed to open and close the gate with a pulley. When the castle gate is destroyed, the attacking team is allowed to move to the exterior castle.
    Defense camps

    Camps are formed around the castle gate, the guard tower and the heart of the fortress. If the members of the fortress-occupying guild remain inside the defense camps, both of the physical/magical damage and the damage absorption rate increase. (The defense camps can only be formed by the occupying guild, not to the members of the alliance guild.)
    Guard towers

    The guard towers, upgraded gradually dependent upon period of fortress occupation, create seals protecting the heart of the fortress to cause abnormal conditions and magical damages to the enemies within their premises.
    There are four types of the guard towers, which are provided with attacking functions from phase II.

    [img]Fortress Configuration Fortre14[/img]Thunderbolts guard tower Causes damages to enemies within 25 meters every five seconds.
    Causes abnormal conditions to enemies within 25 meters every five seconds.
    Phase II of Thunderbolts guard tower Phase II: Abnormal condition of electric shock (grade 4)
    Phase III of Thunderbolts guard tower Phase III: Abnormal condition of electric shock and decomposition (grade 6)
    Phase IV of Thunderbolts guard tower Phase IV: Abnormal condition of electric shock and decomposition (grade 9)
    Phase V of Thunderbolts guard tower Not Implemented

    [img]Fortress Configuration Fortre15[/img]Flame guard tower Causes damages to enemies within 25 meters every five seconds.
    Causes abnormal conditions to enemies within 25 meters every five seconds.
    Phase II of Flame guard tower Phase II: Abnormal condition of burn (grade 4)
    Phase III of Flame guard tower Phase III: Abnormal condition of burn and weakness (grade 6)
    Phase IV of Flame guard tower Phase IV: Abnormal condition of burn and weakness (grade 9)
    Phase IV of Flame guard tower Not Implemented

    [img]Fortress Configuration Fortre16[/img]Freezing guard tower Causes damages to enemies within 25 meters every ten seconds.
    Causes abnormal conditions to enemies within 25 meters every ten seconds.
    Phase II of Freezing guard tower Phase II: Abnormal condition of burn (grade 4)
    Phase III of Freezing guard tower Phase III: Abnormal condition of burn and weakness (grade 6)
    Phase IV of Freezing guard tower Phase IV: Abnormal condition of burn and weakness (grade 9)
    Phase V of Freezing guard tower Not Implemented

    [img]Fortress Configuration Fortre17[/img]Darkness guard tower Causes damages to enemies within 25 meters every five seconds.
    Causes abnormal conditions to enemies within 25 meters every five seconds.
    Phase II of Darkness guard tower Phase II: Abnormal condition of intoxication (grade 4)
    Phase III of Darkness guard tower Phase III: Abnormal condition of intoxication and combustion (grade 6)
    Phase IV of Darkness guard tower Phase IV: Abnormal condition of intoxication and combustion (grade 9)
    Phase V of Darkness guard tower Not Implemented

    Structures of Item Installation


    A structure which can be formed by an item has low defense and low durability.

    Command post tents

    A structure which can be formed by an item such as obstacle. It can be formed one per each attacking guild. The command post tent is used as a location for revival of the attacking guild, and recovery of HP/MP of the guild members increases by 100% when the members remain within a specified premise.
    Combat flags

    There are three types of the combat flags, the castle attacking weapons: These flags may be destructed or eliminated over time.
    * Flag of combat - The physical/magical damage of up to 24 guild members within 24 meters for two minutes increases by 10%.
    * Flag of defense - The physical/magical damage absorption rate of up to 24 guild members within 24 meters for two minutes increases by10%.
    * Flag of healing - The HP/MP of up to 24 guild members within 24 meters for two minutes increases by 5% every five seconds.

      Current date/time is Wed Jul 03, 2024 10:51 pm